Pipe Inspection Services

Sewer Drains
Pipe inspection is the first step to a solution for most plumbing problems. MPS has the experience and technology to help you understand the nature of the issue and provide modern solutions to get your system working like new again.
MPS inspection equipment helps us diagnose the plumbing system condition and work up the scope to your specific solution. Full inspections include the location and direction of the line, the depth of the line, and the information needed to create cleaning and lining protocols.
Our goal from inspection to Modern Pipe Solution is to leave you problem free for the life of your
plumbing system.

Roof Drains
Roof drain inspections prior to the rainy season are critical to avoid costly leaks and floods in Class A high-rise, mid-rise, and multi-level dwelling structures.
A common sign of a faulty roof drain is the presence of water in the lobby level, or around the overhead pipes in the lower garage or basement levels.
An inspection from the roof down to the lower levels can reveal problem sections of pipe, and their location.
Once MPS can get a clear look at the condition of the system and determine the location of the problem, we can recommend a non-invasive solution that will save you both time and money.

Storm Drains
Storm Drains play an important role in getting rainwater away from your home or building.
Let MPS inspect these pipes before they become an issue, to minimize a costly emergency repair or sinkhole that can be avoided. MPS can typically repair old, worn, and broken storm drains without the need for destructive excavation and put back costs. Whether it’s for your personal home, community storm system, or in the public right of way, MPS has a modern solution.

Vent Pipes
Foul wastewater smells are a nuisance and a potential health hazard. Don’t let these go unchecked, have MPS pipe repair specialists inspect these pipes.
Cast iron pipes are manufactured in a manner called ‘spin casting’, which leads to long vertical cracks down the center of the pipe on multi-story buildings. This allows sewer gas to find its way into the interstitial spaces of the building, leading to foul odor, potential leaks, and unhappy tenants.
MPS inspection and odor detection services can pinpoint these problems and give you peace of mind for the life of your building.